Guidelines for Writing the Perfect “About Us” Web Content
By Aaisha Khan
Have you ever been stumped by the question “Tell me about yourself?”
You are a person, a business, a service provider, a content creator. You have done it all, but how do you put in a reader-friendly “About Me” page that captures the essence of who you are? Here are some of our tried and tested techniques to nail down the perfect ‘Bio’ that is succinct, creates interest, and true to who you are.
30 Second Elevator Pitch
You must have heard of the elevator pitch, basically sell yourself in 30 seconds or less. You just have a very short elevator ride to get people interested in you. For your website the ‘About’ page should offer the perfect balance between who you are, what you do, and what makes you unique. And most importantly, how your website can help the reader add value to their life.
Start thinking – Ask Questions
Yes, think. We think all the time, but when do you self-reflect? Who are you? How much of your personal life are you willing to share that adds value to the website? What kind of information is relevant to the service you are offering? How do you tell the audience that you are the perfect match for their needs? What are your accomplishments? What awards and accolades have you won? Any projects or collaborations that you are proud of? Why do you do what you do?
Start asking yourself these, and follow the natural stream of thought to get the answers.
Take notes, write it down
Scribbles on Post-its, take notes on your phone, a notebook where you write things down. Take notes. Thinking is different from writing. Use words to express your thoughts. Having a thought mapping process brings clarity to what you want to say, clear away ambiguities, and just make for a solid, compelling bio. Remember, you have just a few seconds to make a memorable impression!
Humor. Unexpected, Memorable
Once you have all the things you want to say, let’s bring in some personality. An interesting anecdote, a bit of humor, something unexpected about you will make you more interesting.
Fine tune. Edit, Edit!
You know what you want to say. Now put it together. Flesh out your thoughts. Don’t worry if its too long, it is important to include all the important points you think are relevant to your website. Read out the sentences, do they sound right? Change some words around. Can it be said in fewer words? Try that. Keep reading, paring down till you are at 200 – 250 words.
Edit it further till you are at 100 words. Remember the goal is to create interest, not read out your resume!
You’ve done the hard part, now all you have to do is tweak the bio to the social media platform.
FAQs – A Step Further
Whether about your business or yourself, FAQs add more depth and personality to your ‘About Me/Us.’ You can tack them under your bio, or make it a separate page.
Ready to write now?
At Prestige Interactive we understand that not everyone has a way with words. Which is why our content creation team can help you craft your perfect ‘About Me.’ We will schedule a mini-interview session with you where you can talk about yourself and we do all the note-taking, editing and wordsmithing. Get in touch with us today for more details on our packages.
About The Author
Aaisha Khan is the Digital Content Specialist at Prestige Interactive. Download her free mind mapping worksheet here to write your perfect ‘About Me.’
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